Congratulations on OTO International Kindergarten's main construction completed

2013/12/27 14:13:04


In December 2013, OTO International Kindergarten is officially founded in East Montage in the Dalian CBD. It marks OTO International Kindergarten's officially enterence into the public's view.

OTO International Kindergarten is established by Dalian Jiuzhou Construction Group and American OTO Education Group (AOEG) with 200 million Yuan investment. It is officially founded in East Montage by the seaside, showing itself to everyone. The East Montage is designed after a European lagoon city, combined with Dalian's local regional cultures. It has a typical space of a lagoon city while retaining the spirit of a European lagoon city. It's neoclassical European construction will be a remarkable place in China, even a milestone in Chinese Construction history. The elegant European classical style enables OTO babies to have an international view from childhood, to see the colorful world by themselves.